Life has a funny old way of throwing us curve balls doesn’t it?
In 2012, I was thrown a biggie. I heard those words no one wants to hear… "you have cancer".
If I’m brutally honest, one of my first thoughts was… "great, I get some time off work". If that doesn’t scream you need a change, I don’t know what does.
I know for many women one of their first concerns is the fear of losing their hair. Me, I wasn’t worried at all. If anything, I was excited to see what I looked like.
On the flip side, I didn’t expect the misery and sadness I felt losing my brows and lashes - I mean, I grew up in the 90s when plucking your brows into oblivion was the norm!
The shocking realisation dawned that brows matter - a lot - not just for the structure and overall look of our face, but for our internal identity, self-confidence, and esteem.
I would look in the mirror and not recognise myself. Spend hours of steroid-fuelled sleepless nights researching how to create brows. Never daring to book an appointment at a salon in fear of feeling stupid and embarrassed.
Hundreds of hours of researching later an obsession was born, and a new trajectory set.
At the end of 2014 I completed my last major surgery and at the beginning of 2015 I was offered redundancy.
I just knew this was a rare opportunity for a fresh start. I knew immediately I would launch my new career specialising in brows, and possibly grow from there.
And Birds of Beauty Parlour was born.
I had a dream of crafting a space clients felt safe and not embarrassed to visit, like I once had, because they knew I got them, understood them, and would do my utmost to give them the results they desired.
To this day, I continue with that dream.
I believe it’s key that clients walk away happier than when they walk in.
I believe it doesn’t have to be scary to visit a salon.
I believe we all deserve to feel happy in our own skin.
My salon isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay. For one I don’t offer many treatments, I specialise in a few, and for some the buzz of a bright busy salon is their thing, and that’s great too.
But if you think we are the right fit for each other – why not head over to my treatments menu to find out more about what I offer.
Here's to a happier you.